"Back to the Woods" is the ninth episode of the sixth season in the Fox animated comedy series ''Family Guy'' that originally aired on February 17, 2008. The episode follows Peter Griffin as he tries to regain his identity that has been stolen by actor James Woods, who has done so to get revenge at Peter for what he did to him at the end of "Peter's Got Woods". The episode was written by Tom Devanney and it was directed by Brian Iles. It guest starred Woods, Barry Manilow, James Burkholder and Dave Van Dam. Recurring voice actors Lori Alan, Alexandra Breckenridge, Kirker Butler, Danny Smith, Alec Sulkin, John Viener and Patrick Warburton also made appearances. The episode received mixed reviews from critics. ==Plot== Peter and his friends attend a Barry Manilow concert. After the concert, Peter realizes that he has left his wallet at the stadium. He soon discovers that someone is using his credit card to buy very expensive items. After receiving a bank statement, Peter and Brian track the culprit to a restaurant and discover him to be James Woods. Naturally, Woods is bitter towards Peter and, having stolen his wallet, is maxing out his credit card in his plan for revenge. Peter and Brian return home to find Woods there, having claimed property of his house and possessions with the documents in Peter's wallet. Woods calls Joe over to remove Peter from "his" house. The Griffins are outraged by this, but Joe has no other choice but to abide his request now that Woods has stolen Peter's identity. The Griffins are resentful of Woods for what he has done, especially Lois and Brian. As Brian swears that Woods will not get away with what he has done, Woods responds by calling him an 'outdoor dog' and ties Brian up to a pole outside, much to Brian's anger. Unfortunately, Peter is forced to stay off of Woods' property, as Woods threatens to shoot Peter with a gun and sets up one of Peter's cutaway gags. As Woods diverts his attention to Peter and weasels his way into the Griffins' lives to destroy them, Peter removes Brian from the pole, and they move into a hotel together, with Peter swearing to return to his family and promise to set all his cutaway gags just like he used to. After Woods stops him, Peter begins to give up until Brian points out that identity theft works both ways and he can assume Woods' identity himself and get revenge on him by discrediting him to the general public and Peter agrees. Stewie helps forge a fake ID card for Peter to use at Brian's urging. Peter pretends to be Woods while appearing on ''Late Show with David Letterman'', promoting an extremely offensive comedy about 9/11. The next night at the Drunken Clam, Peter and Brian watch a news report on Woods' estate getting destroyed by rioters. Woods confronts him, wanting to settle their conflict once and for all, but Peter and Brian lure him into an alley with a trail of Reese's Pieces and trap him in a crate ''again''. Peter reunites with Lois and the rest of his family. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Back to the Woods (Family Guy)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク